
About us

Fukuyama Medical Care Center is actively engaged in promoting our Child Health and Development Program, which is a core component of our hospital’s Policy-Based Medical Services. Through these efforts, we continue to contribute to pediatric medical care in Fukuyama City and eastern Hiroshima Prefecture. Our outpatient clinics provide consultations to about 80 to 100 children every day. In addition to general clinical practice, we provide allergic outpatient, cardiovascular outpatient, psychosomatic outpatient, development outpatient, and infant checkup and vaccination services. Each department provides specialized treatments while collaborating with other departments to provide holistic medical care.

Approximately 1,100 children per year are hospitalized in the pediatric department at our 2B Pediatric Ward. This department treats acute diseases, including both infectious diseases and chronic diseases such as nephrotic syndrome and Crohn's disease. Although some severe cases require artificial ventilation management or central venous nutrition, we treat each and every patient with the primary philosophy to “send our patients home healthy and in good spirits.” In 2007, 767 patients stayed in our hospital, of which the most common condition was lower respiratory tract infection such as pneumonia or bronchitis, with 232 patients treated for such conditions. The next most common condition was upper respiratory tract infection such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or laryngitis. We also accepted a large number of inpatients with acute diseases like gastroenteritis, as well as chronic diseases such as epilepsy, allergic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, or gastrointestinal diseases.