Cardiac Rehabilitation Center

About us

I will report about the fiscal year from the establishment of Fukuyama Medical Center’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Center up to now. Thanks to the cooperation of other departments, the center has been a success. Specialized cardiovascular nurses have joined our department since the beginning of this fiscal year, enabling us to provide further specialized guidance to patients. We aim to improve our medical treatments qualitatively and quantitatively. Since our initial establishment, we have been focused on the following improvements:

  1. Staff Training

    Through participating in our hospital’s internal study meetings and various research societies, we aim to further improve the skills and knowledge of our staff who engage in cardiac rehabilitation.
  2. Enhancement of Patient Education Programs

    We provide a comprehensive program which offers rehabilitation or exercise prescription as well as specialized guidance by co-medical staff, and patient lifestyle counseling.
  3. Strengthen Cooperation with Other Medical Facilities

    In particular, we aim to broaden our acceptance of outpatients who need cardiac rehabilitation.

During this first year, we have focused mainly on “1” and “2”. As a part of patient education, we provide a 15 minute mini-lecture twice a month. The lecture is held while the patients are engaged in bicycle ergometer exercise. (See photo.) Unlike a formal lecture in which tends to be one-way communication, we actively strive to create a casual atmosphere in which staff can instruct is supported by on-screen images, facilitating interaction between patients and staff.

The contents and schedule of the mini-lecture are shown in the table below. We will continue to operate educational programs which can provide useful information and skills related to our patients’ day-to-day lifestyles.

Staff of every sections assemble for a meeting once a month. During this meeting, we carry out individual examinations for each patients who are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation, verify overall management of this center, confirm contents for our mini-lectures, and so on. At the present time, we only deal with hospitalized patients and outpatients in our hospital. However, we aim to improve staffs’ skills and expand the number of the patients we accept, so that we may also accept patients from other medical facilities in the future. We appreciate your continued support and encouragement.