Pediatric Cardiology

About us

Currently, the Pediatric Cardiology Department primarily conducts clinical care for cases such as congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, and Kawasaki disease. Specialized examinations include cardiac ultrasound examination (1800 cases annually), electrocardiogram (exercise load electrocardiogram, facial flooding electrocardiogram, and 24-hour electrocardiogram), scintigraphy, and CT. Our core focus is congenital heart disease, and we currently provide follow-up care for approximately 1,300 patients, ranging from newborn babies to adults in their 20s. Children with neonatal cardiovascular disease who require intensive treatment immediately after birth are primarily treated in the NICU, which provides holistic treatment with therapies such as artificial respiration management and prostaglandin administration, with the goal of preparing patients who require surgery for the smoothest possible surgery and recovery.