Mammary Gland / Endocrine Surgery

About us

The Mammary Gland and Endocrine Surgery Department primarily handles breast cancer cases, and treats 120 new breast cancer patients yearly. Radiogram interpreting doctors certified by the Japan Central Organization on Quality Assurance of Breast Cancer Screening (Grade A: Dr. Miyoshi, Mammary Gland and Endocrinology Medical Director and Dr. Nakagawa, Radiation Therapy Medical Director) interpret radiological images not only from our hospital, but also throughout Fukuyama city and the whole of Hiroshima prefecture as well, making a positive contribution to early detection of breast cancer. Our utmost priority is a healthy recovery for every breast cancer patient, and we also proactively implement breast-preserving treatment (52 preserved cases, preservation rate is 58 %, out of 89 surgical cases in 2013). We are mindful to provide drug therapy that both complies with international guidelines and is as patient-friendly as possible. Regarding clinical trials, as a member of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) Breast Cancer Group, we are engaged in JCOG studies as well as several clinical trials.